Grades K-5 Elementary school tutoring
Keep your child moving forward with our student-tailored
K-5 Learning Programs & Tutoring!
Pre-Kindergarten and Elementary years are developmentally crucial, providing children with the
essential building blocks for future academic success. Our instructors deliver tailored support aimed at transforming your child's understanding and performance in weak areas and enriching their progression in areas of academic strength. Lasting retention of skills and knowledge requires both intervention and enrichment support. Our programs encompass both aspects in order to achieve the highest level of academic growth.
PHONICS Tutoring
Phonemic awareness skills are the fundamental building blocks of spelling and reading success. Phonemic awareness is the ability to identify, manipulate, and work with individual sounds in words. It involves understanding that words are made up of individual sounds and being able to manipulate those sounds. Phonemic awareness is at the heart of our reading programs. We provide children with essential skills that form the foundation for successful reading and language development. These skills contribute to improved literacy skills and help children become confident and proficient readers.
Enhanced ability to recognize the sound-letter correspondences that make up words
Recognizing common letter-sound patterns, children can read more quickly and smoothly
Teaches children how to decode words, which helps them to build their vocabulary by recognizing words they may not have encountered before
Understanding letter-sound relationships helps children to spell words more accurately, by applying phonetic rules and recognizing patterns in words
Reading Tutoring
Our initial and on-going skills assessments reveal each student's areas of reading weakness. Mastery of reading skills at the pre-k and elementary level is essential for progression of skills into middle and high school levels. Our reading programs provide children with the necessary tools for reading success.
We provide instruction that builds skills including reading comprehension, critical thinking, word meaning, sentence structure, reading fluency and the ability to retain information long-term. We are passionate at making reading fun and exciting for students by consistently introducing new and stimulating materials into each student's reading program.
Master letter and letter group sound correlations with our fun and engaging phonics curriculum.
Spelling is the foundation of writing and a critical piece of LPA reading programs.
Vocabulary growth and enrichment is a vital piece of advancing a child's reading and writing abilities.
Reading comprehension is a primary focus of our programs, preparing children for the coming grade level expectations.
MATH Tutoring
Mathematics concepts acquired during a child's elementary years are critical and key to further success in all math courses to come. Our math programs are designed to challenge and stimulate your child's mathematical thinking skills and abilities. Our instruction and programs go far beyond concept mastery. We emphasize knowledge retention and deeper levels of understanding. We strive to not only strengthen their understanding of the currently taught topics, but also to consistently challenge student's minds with the introduction of new challenging concepts and exercises.
Number sense and number formation is a integral aspect of our early elementary math programs.
computation & math facts
Adding, Subtracting, Multiplication, Division, Fractions, Decimals, etc.
real world problem solving
Word problems and critical thinking can be a great challenge. We place emphasis on this skill in order to build confidence.
middle school math preparation
Percentages, expressions and equations, graphing, and other pre-algebra skills covered for smooth transitions.
writing Tutoring
The growth of writing skills at the elementary level is critical as these years build the foundation for student's writing performance in years to come. Whether completing a story, paper, or written response to a test question, writing skills play a vital role in academic success and confidence. Strengthening these foundational skills during the early developmental years is crucial. Our writing programs focus on the growth of creative mindsets and encourage "outside of the box" idea development. We implement writing practice and support into all tutoring programs as it is a skill that spans into all facets of academic success!
language arts
Writing tutoring incorporates the strengthening of language arts and grammar skills as they are the foundation of writing success.
sentence structure
Paper organization emphasized as well as essay planning skills. Instructors teach paragraph construction and structure.
paper writing fundamentals
Introductions, conclusions, attention getters, topic sentences and much more...We cover the critical parts of paper writing!
essay types
Personal narratives, persuasive, demonstrative, research, biographies, autobiographies, and more. We teach the specifics and provide practice and feedback!
Your Child's Homework success Center!
Homework can be very stressful for children and families, especially when concepts are not understood or motivation is lacking. At Learning Power Academics, we promise to come alongside you and your child during their education journey and help to take some of the stress and pressures off!
Passionate, caring, and highly trained instructors provide tailored and personalized homework support and assistance. Re-claim your precious family time and decrease evening stress with LPA's homework support and supplemental tutoring options. Our flexible evening scheduling and "build-your-own" program style tutoring ensures academic success and confidence for your child!
Contact an Academic Coordinator!
Call: (952) 769-6995
Email: julie@learningpoweracademics.com